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Elisa Foster, D.O.

My story...


I am a wife to an amazing and steadfast leader, a mom to four gifted and talented children, and a grandma to 2 high energy little guys (soon to be 3).  I love to make handmade soap, take walks on cool days with mountains in my view and laugh really loud.

I also happen to be a Board Certified Lifestyle Medicine Physician and a Board Certified Pediatric Radiologist. I spent nearly 11 years in an extremely busy private practice group caring for patients from fetal age to old age.   In the midst of a successful career as a working mother and wife, I found myself unsatisfied with my work (mostly chronic diseases and cancer), my body and mind (achy, overweight despite exercise and always a little annoyed with absolutely everyone), and my relationships (my children have told me for years that I have no friends).  

I was at a crossroads. I began to ask myself the question...what will I want to say when I look back on my life without regret because I did what I was supposed to do?  


My answer...

 "I want a life where I worked hard at what I was gifted to do, 

passionately loved my husband well, cherished and invested in my kids and grandkids,

laughed loud with family and friends,

added more to life than I took, 

and left a God-given legacy of giving my life  back to him and others".


I decided to slowly peel away what wasn't working. I began to fill my head with financial, motivational and nutritional podcasts and books.  We became aggressive with debt elimination and more intentional about our daily fuel (plant based whole food).  I reconnected with old friends and sought to make new ones.  I quit the rat race by resigning from my partnership position and accepting a position working from home.  As I slowly (sometimes painfully) peeled away what wasn't working and adding what all those podcasts and books said would work....true food, doing meaningful work my way, and being intentional in my relationships (I found out I really do have friends), I began to see I was overcoming the burden of burnout, fatigue and a deep seated feeling that I was wasting time.


As I moved to a place of rest and restoration , I gained a clarity in what my story and my gifts are meant to offer. 

I am certified in Plant Based Nutrition through T. Colin Campbells course and completed further education allowing me to become Board Certified in Lifestyle Medicine in 2017.  


If you are in a place in life where you find yourself ready to turn from what is not working and partner with us to help you embark on a life that does work, then 

Welcome to Whole U Health!


I am honored you have joined me and hope you are encouraged with evidence based knowledge on your journey to your 

Best Healthy Self! 

About Me: About Me
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